Interest Meeting for ESTV’s newest show “Haunted Oaks”

Have you ever experienced something you couldn’t explain? Do you believe in the supernatural? Regardless of whether you believe or not, join an organization that will certainly peak your interest.

“Haunted Oaks,” Elon Student Televison’s Paranormal Investigating Program, will be holding its Spring Interest Meeting on Wednesday, March 17, at 6:30 p.m. in McEwen Room 209. The program is seeking all majors and anyone with an interest in working on a documentary style ghost show similar to television programs such as “Unsolved Mysteries” and “Paranormal State.”

Previous television experience is not necessary. Anyone with an interest in filming on location of some of the most haunted places in North Carolina, being part of an extremely dedicated myth researching team, or just someone who wants to be a part of the recreation team is encouraged to come to the meeting.

If you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting, contact Erik Kendall at