Peter Felten delivers two keynote addresses

Peter Felten, assistant provost and director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, delivered two keynote addresses for the Appalachian College Association (ACA).

On June 6 at Milligan College, Felten and Randy Bass (Georgetown University) offered the keynote at the annual meeting of ACA presidents and academic deans. Bass and Felten spoke about “Low-impact educational practices (formerly known as the curriculum).”

On June 7 at Brevard College, Felten presented the opening address at a week-long teaching and learning seminar for 100 faculty from ACA colleges. Felten’s talk was titled: “’This course is different because I care so much’: Teaching for deep learning.”

The Appalachian College Association is a consortium of 36 private liberal arts colleges and universities spread across the central Appalachian mountains in Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.