Did you pick up your July 28 edition of The Pendulum?

The Pendulum released its second summer edition July 28.

A small group of contributors put together the 16-page paper that featured a variety of stories covering the Elon campus and community, including a medical waste incinerator in Alamance County, a law suit being filed against the Elon School (not affiliated with the university), new solar panels at Colonnades and the second Interactive Media class. 

If you’re interested in contributing to The Pendulum in the fall semester, contact editor in chief Pam Richter at prichter2@elon.edu. Working for your campus newspaper provides practical experience for students, regardless of their majors. Student editors from the newspaper are interning this summer at locations such as:

* Essence Magazine
* Durham Herald-Sun
* Baltimore Sun
* Raleigh Downtowner Magazine
* Nielsen Media
* Patuxent Publishing
* WCBS880.com
* Southern Pines Pilot

So get involved with the student newspaper this semester by writing, designing pages, photographing or designing Web pages.