Biobus route changes for 2010-11

The Elon Biobus Transportation System has made a couple of changes to the routes for a new look in 2010-2011 to bring better service to riders.This year we have dropped the East Inner Loop and East Outer Loop routes that ran a service down E.Haggard Ave. We will now be offering service in the same area every ten minutes by running a Outer Loop A bus which uses Moseley as it’s campus stop and a Outer Loop B bus which uses McMichael as it’s campus stop.

These two buses will run E.Haggard with stops at Oak Hill, Provence, UniversityPoints, Campus Trace, Partners Place, Phoenix Arms, Crest and Park Place.The bus schedules will bring a bus by every ten minutes for your convience.When a bus is scheduled for break, we will still be offering service by the second bus at 20 minute increments during this time. Please use the following link for more information on the Biobus System