Peter Felten and Maggie Castor ’12 give invited talk at University of Glasgow

On October 18, Maggie Castor, a junior philosophy major, and Peter Felten, assistant provost for teaching and learning, along with Mark Meacham, a teacher at Williams High School in Burlington, presented an invited talk at the University of Glasgow.

The three explored student-faculty and faculty-teacher partnerships in the scholarship of teaching and learning. This talk emerged from two CATL projects:

  • Elon’s participation in the Carnegie Foundation’s Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning;
  • The Elon Teaching and Learning Partnership, a program that brings local high school teachers together with Elon faculty, funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.

On October 19, Castor, Meacham and Felten presented a similar talk in Liverpool at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning annual conference. They were part of a panel, moderated by Sue Clegg from Leeds Metropolitan University titled: “The communities we serve: toward an integrative view of the global and the local in the scholarship of teaching and learning.”