College Chapel: The Practice of Islam on Feb.10

College Chapel: Practice of Islam
A Diversity of Belief and Practice
Thursday 9:50 am – 10:20am
Whitley Auditorium

Elon students will share!

Reem Hindieh ‘12
Neima Abdulahi ‘13
Toorialey Fazly ‘14

Music: Joshua Goldstein ’12, cello

Join us this Thursday in Whitley Auditorium for College Chapel. This semester we will be learning about the religious and nonreligious diversity that is part of our Elon community. We will hear from religious leaders, faculty and students about the different beliefs that shape our university and how students practice and participate in their respective faith traditions.

Thursday Chapel is a time and space to take a break from the busyness of the week and refresh the spirit. It is not a “worship service,” rather a time of reflection offered by a member of the Elon community or guest speaker. Music is provided each week by students and faculty from the Music department. Refreshments will be served following Chapel. All are welcome!