From Facebook to Resume: Using Social Networking Tools to Market Yourself – Feb. 17

Presented and Sponsored by Teaching and Learning Technologies
4:15-5:15 in McCoy Commons (Oaks) 201

Have you seen the headlines … Facebook: Friend or Foe?, What You Say Online Could Haunt You, Jobs, Facebook, and the Clueless Generation? In a 2009 survey, it was determined that 45% of employers used social networking sites to research candidates. The same survey indicated that 35% of employers said that what they found caused them not to hire a candidate. If 45% of employers are Googling your name, do you know what they are finding? Have you considered how you can use social networking tools to create a professional online identity to market yourself? Let’s re-think how you can use Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social networking tools to create an online reputation that you (and your grandma) can be proud to show.

Note: This program is part of Professional Discovery Week, a program designed to provide students in all majors with opportunities to explore career options, learn effective job search skills and transition from college to career. All 19 events are scheduled from Monday, Feb. 14 through Thursday, Feb. 17. For more information and a detailed schedule of events, please click here.