Building an LGBTQ community on campus: A dialogue with LGBTQ faculty/staff/students

You are cordially invited to attend an informal brown bag lunch (drinks and dessert will be provided) from 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23 in McKinnon D in Moseley Center:

Building an LGBTQ community on campus: A dialogue with LGBTQ faculty/staff/students

Participants will be sharing ideas about visioning and creating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer community at Elon! Feel free to come for all or part of the conversation.

Last semester there were two very successful events (a breakfast and a holiday cookie party) for LGBTQ faculty/staff/students. A number of the students commented on wanting more opportunities for connections with faculty and staff. This brown bag lunch is a chance to have more dialogue on what folks want to see on campus in terms of an LGBTQ community.

Please contact Marcie Fisher-Borne at with questions or if you want to volunteer to facilitate a small group conversation.