Peter Felten publishes and presents about student-faculty partnerships and faculty development

Peter Felten, assistant provost and director of CATL, co-authored the article “Students as co-creators of teaching approaches, course design and curricula: Implications for academic developers.”

The article appeared in the June 2011 issue of the International Journal for Academic Development (16:2). The article outlines the theoretical and practical reasons for including students as partners with faculty in pedagogical planning processes. Felten’s co-authors are Catherine Bovill from the University of Glasgow and Alison Cook-Sather from Bryn Mawr College.

Felten also was an invited participant in a June 30-July 2 Cambridge University seminar on student-faculty pedagogical partnerships. The seminar brought together 35 scholars and teachers from 10 countries to explore research and practice related to “student voice” at the primary, secondary and higher education. Cambridge’s Faculty of Education hosted the seminar, which aims to produce several new research projects and theory-based publications.

Earlier in June, he co-facilitated five workshops at the June 18-22 International Institute for New Faculty Developers, in Atlanta. The Institute involved more than 100 faculty developers from a dozen countries, and is sponsored by the POD Network.

Felten also delivered the opening keynote address at a higher education conference on “Integrating Boyer into Your Institutional Culture: An Executive Retreat”, in Asheville on June 19.