Julie Lellis named founding editorial board member of strategic communications journal

Julie Lellis, an assistant professor in the School of Communications, will serve as a founding editorial board member of Case Studies in Strategic Communication, an online peer-reviewed publication that will publish manuscripts that explain strategic communication strategies through the investigation of case studies.

The website for CSSC asserts that textbooks that provide case studies quickly become outdated, so a regularly produced journal will provide fresh content for teachers and practitioners. The site also adds: “Case studies have long been central to the study of strategic communication, but these cases have been scattered across textbooks and websites, are quickly outdated, are not fully representative of the many facets of strategic communication, and lack a common format useful for teachers and scholars.”

The journal, which is being housed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is currently looking for manuscript submissions. The first issue will be launched during the fall semester. Lellis, who worked for several years professionally as a project director and communications consultant, teaches courses in strategic communications at Elon.