Troy Davis rally sponsored by Amnesty International – Sept. 21

On Wednesday, September 21st at 5:30 PM, the Elon chapter of Amnesty International is holding a vigil for Troy Davis in the Speaker's Corner on Moseley Front Lawn. All are encouraged to attend.

All are encouraged to attend. Please email Rachel Stanley or Sara McLaughlin with any questions.

Troy Anthony Davis was convicted nearly 20 years ago for allegedly murdering a white, off-duty police officer in Savannah, Ga. At his original trial, nine eyewitnesses testified against Davis but since then, seven of the 9 have admitted that their stories were not truthful, that they were coerced by the police into testifying against Davis. The state of Georgia plans to execute Davis on Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. 

Amnesty International believes that there is too much doubt to execute Davis.