Managing a Chronic Health Condition in College support program for students – Mondays through Oct. 24

“Managing a Chronic Health Condition in College” provides education and support to Elon students with chronic illnesses.

The group serves as a support, resource, educational opportunity, and social network by giving participants opportunities to learn from each other. Discussion topics will be determined by the concerns of the group but may include: relationship strains, medication issues, getting adequate sleep, campus resources and barriers to class attendance.

It is important to note that in order to participate in this group you will NOT be required to disclose any information about your situation/illness that you do not feel comfortable sharing. Also, participants are not required to attend all meetings – come as you are able. You are encouraged to invite others (roommates, friends, others with chronic health conditions) to come with you.

During the fall semester we will meet on Mondays, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on the following dates:  Sept. 19 & 26, Oct. 3, 10 & 24 in the Truitt Center for Religious & Spiritual Life, Room 105 (401 E. College Ave., across from the tennis courts).

This group will be facilitated by Christine Borzumato-Gainey, Ph.D., LPC, and Troy Martin, MSW. If you have questions, contact or

This program is sponsored by the Office of Academic Support. Contact us at (336) 278-6500.