5th Annual Campout! Carolina – Oct. 7-9

Campout! Carolina is Earth Share of North Carolina’s annual statewide event encouraging individuals, families, friends, scouts, guides and community groups of all kinds to show support for North Carolina’s environment by camping out the weekend of Oct. 7-9.

Last year, more than 8,400 people from across the state participated in celebrating North Carolina’s environment and, with your help, we can beat that number in 2011 and collectively demonstrate the importance of protecting and preserving our natural resources.


So, pitch a tent in your favorite North Carolina campsite, or maybe even your own backyard, and unplug for an evening outdoors with family and friends. Check out the Find a Campsite page for ideas and to see where others are camping.

Everyone who registers will be entered into prize drawings and are eligible to participate in Campout! Carolina’s REI Photo Contest.

Be Counted and register now! Go to www.campoutcarolina.org