Several faculty and students from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics attended the annual meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Mathematical Association of America at Clayton State University in Morrow, Ga., on March 8-10, 2012.

Elon University was well represented at this regional mathematics conference, with a total of seven faculty members and students giving presentations.
The following faculty members presented talks at the conference:
- Professor of mathematics Jeffrey Clark gave an informative talk on “Using Google’s PageRank to Motivate Student Study of Markov Chains.
- Associate professor of mathematics Alan Russell presented several results from his Japan Foundation grant in “An origami manipulative for undergraduate mathematics.”
- Assistant professor of mathematics Chad Awtrey discussed his current research projects in “Computing arithmetic invariants of p-adic fields.”
- The following students presented talks at the conference:
- Mathematics major Elizabeth Bentley spoke on “Ford’s Condition for Pairwise Comparisons.” Her research was mentored by professor of mathematics Todd Lee.
- Statistics major Keyona Osborne presented her talk “A Simulation Study of Estimators Using Contaminated Data.” Her research was mentored by assistant professor of statistics Laura Taylor.
The following students presented posters at the conference:
- Mathematics major Kathryn Dugan presented her poster “A Study of Meeting Time Availability for Departmental Committees.” Her research was mentored by Todd Lee.
- Mathematics major Trevor Edwards presented his poster “P-adic Numbers.” His research was mentored by Chad Awtrey. Trevor’s research will be published next month in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.