Pride Week 2012 – April 16-21

 Here is the Pride Week schedule for 2012: 

Monday, April 16: Open Mic Night with the Arts and Letters Learning Community
Irazu, 7-9 p.m.

Tuesday, April 17: 30 Second Weddings/30 Minute Marriages at College Coffee
A pride week tradition! Come out and show your support for marriage equality, learn more about Amendment 1 and “marry” your partner. A big thanks to Chaplain Fuller for serving as our marriage officiate this year!

Go Play with your Toys! A fun sexual health education with Perry Tsai from UNC-CH we guarantee you won’t easily forget! 

Thursday, April 19: Film screening of “Gen Silent”, co-sponsored by the Human Services Office and Adopt a Grandparent. Commuter Lounge, 7-9 p.m.
Gen Silent is a critically acclaimed documentary that follows six LGBTQ elders as they make decisions about and experience nursing home life. Watch the trailer here:

Friday, April 20: National Day of Silence and Pride Parade
Friday April 20 is the national Day of Silence, on which hundreds of thousands of students nationwide take a vow of silence to bring attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people, as well as straight allies, as a result of anti-LGBTQ harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. If you or your organization is interested in participating in the Day of Silence, please email for stickers and information.

We invite you to join us for a raucous Pride Parade to break the silence! We will meet at Boney Fountain at 5pm and parade around campus with our voices, flags, and lots of energy! The parade will culminate in a barbeque at the Truitt Center!

Saturday, April 21: Drag Show: A Race to the Finish!
Oaks 212, 7:30 p.m.

This is an annual Spectrum event you won’t want to miss! We have a great line-up of local Queens (so local some are from our very own Elon!) who are ready to go head to head to vote against Amendment 1!

You can also find this full schedule on Facebook at: