Communications students win second place at RiverRun pitchfest

Two Elon University School of Communications seniors won second place in the RiverRun Film Festival documentary student pitchfest on Friday.

Olivia Dubendorf and Daniel Koehler, both media arts & entertainment majors, pitched their short documentary “Vote Against,” which they are creating for the Producing the Documentary class taught by Communications assistant professor Nicole Triche. The panel of judges included industry professionals Kathryn Lo from PBS’ “Independent Lens,” Dan Nuxoll from Rooftop Films and Ken Wardrop from Venom & Antidote. The prize package included $250 and Avid software.

Students from the Producing the Documentary class, Triche and Communications professor Brooke Barnett also attended the pitchfest and two screening blocks of North Carolina short films.

Coverage of the pitchest, courtesy of the Winston-Salem Journal: