Chandler Family Professional Sales Center hosts annual sales dinner

The Chandler Family Professional Sales Center hosted its third annual Professional Sales Dinner on May 2.

The dinner celebrated the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business’ professional sales program. Sharon Hodge, chair of the department of marketing and entrepreneurship, congratulated the Chandler Family Center on its growth since its establishment in 2008. Last year, the center was named a Top University Sales Program by the University Sales Education Foundation and is currently the only full member of the University Sales Center Alliance in the Carolinas and Virginia.

Hodge also thanked the center’s partners for their support. Partners include ADP, Dell, EMC, Oracle, Paycom, Piper Enterprise Solutions, The Select Group and Tom James.

Assistant Professor Michael Rodriguez recognized the Elon sales competition teams for their success this past year. At the National Sales Challenge, Lindsay Richardson ’12 placed first in the sales call role-play event and Allison Kutz ’12 placed first in the speed selling event. At the World Collegiate Sales Open, Jennifer Small ‘12 placed third in the reverse job fair event. At the National Collegiate Sales Competition, Cody Lance ‘12 was a semi-finalist and Britney Baglino ’12 was a quarterfinalist.

MBA alumnus Karl Sherrill, Senn Dunn Insurance, delivered the keynote address, which focused on the importance of professional sales education. Sherrill serves on the Love School of Business Board of Advisors and the Chandler Family Center’s Advisory Board.

Rodriguez and Earl Honeycutt, director of the Chandler Family Center and Martha and Spencer Love Term Professor of Marketing, awarded thirty-four students with certificates for successfully completing the school’s professional sales track. They are:

Brittney Baglino
Sarah Bean
Steffen Bredahl
Jacqueline Brockmyre
James Connolly
Molly Cooper
Parker Davis
Andrew Drbal
Leah Garzone
Meghan Green
Zachary Henderson
Jessica Jackson
Sally Kay
Allison Kutz
Cody Lance
Ryann Leonard
William McKissock
Brandon McRae
Timothy O’Boyle
Terence O’Malley
Kyle Packert
Robert Paone
Nathan Randazzo
Patrick Reynolds
Lindsay Richardson
Nicole Rodriguez
Jennifer Rossbach
Brian Serow
Shakinah Simeona
Jennifer Small
Ashley Turner
Danielle Vandenbuckle
Stephanie Waldt
Ernest Young

Richardson was presented with the Earl D. Honeycutt, Jr. Sales Leadership Award sponsored by ADP for excellence in sales achievement. Richardson is a senior marketing major and has accepted a full-time position with Oracle.

Rodriguez concluded the program by recognizing and thanking Honeycutt for his leadership and commitment to teaching, research and mentoring in sales education.Honeycutt joined Elon in 2002 and has served as the Chandler Family Center’s director since the center opened. He will retire at the end of this month.