Junior Rachel Bowden’s internship takes her to the London Olympics

Rachel Bowden ’14 has spent the last few weeks in London interning with NBC’s Late Show.

Rachel Bowden ’14

Bowden, a management major, typically worked twelve-hour days on the show, which was part of NBC’s coverage of the Games of the XXX Olympiad. Her responsibilities ranged from ensuring talent was where they needed to be to answering calls in the control room to learning the iNEWS Newsroom Computer System.

“When I watch the Olympic coverage on television, everything looks so fluid and easy,” Bowden says. “But behind the scenes, it takes so much more work and so many people for that fluidity to be there. The magnanimity of this entire production is what has been the most eye opening thing for me.”

Bowden says her internship, which has given her the chance to attend her first Olympic games, has been an incredible experience.

“All the athletes and fans have enormous amounts of emotion,” Bowden says. “The stories behind the athletes is what really hits me and makes me realize how amazing something like the Olympics is.”