Enhance Student Writing and Learning in Any Course: A Faculty Learning Community

Faculty Learning Community, Jan. 9th, Jan. 16th, and Jan. 23rd

Facilitated by Paul Anderson, Director, Writing Across the University.
These three January meetings are just the beginning of extended support for you that could include a trip to a writing conference or retreat in the spring. During winter-term, members of our interdisciplinary group will polish writing assignments for use in spring semester. In the spring, we will meet six times, including our excursion, to follow up on your experiences with your revised assignments and to explore additional strategies you can use in the future. So that we can gain the maximum value from our winter-term meetings, there will be homework.

Meetings will be held in Belk Pavilion 200, 11:45am-1:15pm.  Lunch will be served.  Please RSVP at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/CATLWT2013