Kevin Morrison Presents Workshop on Best Practices in Study Abroad

Kevin Morrison, Assistant Dean of Global Studies and Director of Study Abroad, recently presented a workshop on behalf of the Forum on Education Abroad.

Kevin Morrison, Assistant Dean of Global Studies and Director of Study Abroad, recently presented a workshop on behalf of the Forum on Education Abroad. The workshop was on the Forum’s Standards of Good Practice for Short Term Education Abroad and was presented as a pre-conference offering at the Association of Academic Programs in Latin America and The Caribbean conference held in Raleigh on February 20. The half-day workshop focused on helping participants explore the Forum’s standards and learn how to utilize them in guiding program development and institutional decision-making processes. The Forum on Education Abroad is recognized by the U.S. government as the standards development organization for the field of education abroad, and these workshops are a key component of encouraging educators to examine and follow established standards in executing educational offerings abroad.