Move-in Day & Convocation: watch for wet grounds

Continual rains in the area this summer have made for wet and muddy conditions on campus. New students and their families should read this advisory.

With many muddy areas and new sod installed in wet conditions, new students and families should be sure to stick to paved areas during Move-in Day.

Of special concern is the New Student Convocation, which will be held outdoors, Under the Oaks, at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24. The ground under this historic canopy of trees may remain wet and slippery through Saturday morning.

We urge new students and guests to take precautions against slipping as they enter and exit the area by selecting footwear that will maximize traction. This might include tennis shoes, low-heeled (non-platform) sandals or flats. Women are encouraged to avoid wearing shoes with heels. The university will provide ground cover along major pathways and we encourage visitors to use those and stay on sidewalks whenever possible. 

Elon wants all those who attend this convocation to be safe as we bid welcome to the Class of 2017.