Focus group on female leadership – April 10

Students are needed April 10 to participate in a focus group about female leadership and media influences.

As part of an independent study, I am conducting a focus group to gauge perspective from our generation about female leadership. Specifically, I’m looking at ways in which the media influences views, expectations, and aspirations for female leadership starting at a young age. 

I’m looking at leadership in anything from the corporate job level, to political figures, to societal leaders in general, and want input from the Elon community on the topic. 

Please reply to if you are able to attend. Location/time will be Thursday (4/10) at 5 p.m. on the second floor of the School of Communications, room to be announced.

If you could also pass this on to others that you think might be interested, I would really appreciate it. 

Snacks and drinks will be provided!

Thank you!!