Faculty Research Presentations (session II) – Aug. 21

Room 144

Barbara Miller

U.S. Public Response to Corporate and Industry Environmental Messages

Marketplace advocacy campaigns are sponsored by corporations and industry trade associations to improve or protect the market for their products. As public and media interest in energy and the environment have increased, these campaigns have become a common strategy for businesses with realized or potential environmental risks to build widespread public support and avoid additional government regulations (e.g., the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity’s “America’s Power” campaign). This talk will report findings from a national Web-based survey and additional focus group research examining audience response to marketplace advocacy messages, highlighting implications for environmental efforts.

Room 150

Samantha DiRosa


37.421467º is a multiple-media project incorporating live music performance, video, and text, that looks at the United States’ response to the ongoing Fukushima crisis, the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. In this artist’s talk, I will discuss development of the project, which considers creative strategies to incite dialogue on emotional distance and cultural amnesia in the face of wide-reaching environmental disaster.