Working with Different Generations – Sept. 26

This session will focus on values in the multigenerational workforce and how generational values may affect the recruitment, retention, and supervision of multiple generations of employees.

Friday, Sept. 26
noon-1:30 p.m.

Isabella Cannon Room, Center for the Arts 

Successful organizations are characterized by their ability to operate with a diverse workforce. This diversification is a result of many demographic characteristics, including a workforce that is multi-generational, with employees spanning four generational groups. Generational differences represent a legitimate diversity issue for contemporary organizations. Multigenerational work groups may enhance the success of organizations, but differences in work values may also lead to conflicts. Organizational discord can reduce individual performance and potentially the success of the organization. Organizations that address the challenges of generational diversity are more likely to sustain their competitive advantage.

This session will focus on values in the multigenerational workforce and how generational values may affect the recruitment, retention, and supervision of multiple generations of employees. A buffet lunch will be provided for those who register