Pilates Power – Tuesday afternoons

Pilates with instructor Shannon Wiggins on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:15 in Campus Rec Studio 6 offers an exciting workout for Elon faculty and staff. 

Are you ready to have fun and challenge yourself? Then Pilates is the perfect class for you! Pilates is taught by instructor Shannon Wiggins and meets on Tuesday afternoons from 12:30 to 1:15 in Campus Rec Studio 6. This body conditioning routine helps to build flexibility, strength, endurance and coordination without adding muscle bulk. Other benefits include increased circulation and strengthening of the core muscles. This class supports both Level 1 and Level 2 participants and allows modification for individual strength and flexibility. Instructor Shannon Wiggins keeps the class upbeat with constant words of encouragement and lively anecdotes – she even incorporates fun games to make planking fun! Participant Glenda Crawford has been taking the class for three years, and she has noticed herself getting stronger over the course of her workouts. “The class has improved my posture and helped me develop an awareness of how I carry myself,” shares Glenda. Fellow participant Margaret Peoples is a new member of the class; however, she has already started to notice the positive impact Pilates has had on her life. The class has helped her develop mindfulness and alleviate stress, and she leaves Pilates each week feeling refreshed. “It grounds me and helps me appreciate the moment,” shares Margaret. Both women would absolutely recommend Pilates to their colleagues.  If Pilates intrigues you, stop in and join us – as instructor Shannon Wiggins says, “The only bad workout is the one you miss!”