Join us Wednesday, Dec. 3, at 5:30 p.m. in the Numen Lumen Pavilion as students from diverse Christian groups on campus lead prayer and worship for healing and reconciliation in response to recent unrest in Ferguson and across the nation.
This ecumenical worship is being organized and led by students from several different Christian groups on campus, including Gospel Choir, InterVarsity, Affinity, Catholic Campus Ministry, LEAF (Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Friends), and others.
Many in our community are upset by recent events in Ferguson, Mo., and across the country, as well as persisting inequalities and biases in our criminal justice system.
While we recognize that there are divergent opinons on recent events and unrest, as well as the need for ongoing conversation, this Wednesday is an important opportunity to come together as a community to pray for healing and to stand together in solidarity for the human rights and dignity of every person in our society, regardless of race, socio-economic status, or cultural identity.
While changing society is enormously difficult, we can begin by acknowledging our own personal prejudice and privilege and by worshipping together in the midst of our differences. We may not all agree about what’s happened in Ferguson, but hopefully we can agree to pray for healing and to commit ourselves to work towards the end of racial bias in our society.
All are welcome, regardless of faith tradition. For more info, please contact Joel Harter, Associate Chaplain for Protestant Life.