Elon to host North Carolina Cognition Conference 2015 – Feb. 21

Registration is required to attend a program that draws top cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology researchers from North Carolina and beyond.

Saturday, February 21
North Carolina Cognition Conference

Koury Business Center, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

The North Carolina Cognition conference is a scientific meeting that fosters collaboration and cooperation among research groups throughout North Carolina and its neighboring states. Attending researchers are involved in research on human cognition and allied disciplines. The first conference was held in 1972. This year’s conference is co-sponsored by Elon College, the College of Arts & Sciences, and the Psychology Department.

To find out more, contact the conference organizer, Dr. Amy Overman, associate professor of psychology, at elonnccg@elon.edu or visit http://www.elon.edu/e-web/academics/elon_college/psychology/nccg/default.xhtml.

Admission is $30 for faculty/staff or $15 for graduate/undergraduate students. Registration is required to attend. Registration on the day of the conference is $35 for faculty/staff and $20 for graduate/undergraduate students. Online registration closes on February 11, 2015.