EMT-Basic Certification Course offered at Elon

Interested in becoming an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)? Alamance Community College will be offering an EMT-Basic certification course on Elon’s campus this coming semester. The course is a hybrid course with in-class meeting times and online assigments. The course meets in McMichael Science Building, Mondays from 5:30-9:30 p.m. and two Saturdays per month. Class begins Feb. 8. Students can register through Alamance Community College’s Dillingham Center up until Feb. 15. 

Please contact Erica Trollinger for more information on the course and how to register by emailing etrollinger@elon.edu or calling x6193. 

**Please note: this class is offered Spring and Fall semesters. However, it is dependant on enrollment and must have 8 students enrolled to proceed for the semester.**