Jeffrey Carpenter presents at the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Conference 

The assistant professor of education and director of the Teaching Fellows program was involved in two different presentations at the AACTE Annual Meeting in Las Vegas from Feb. 22-24, 2016.

Carpenter was one of the presenters in a session titled, “Got TPACK?: A Diagnostic Tool for Educational Leaders.” In this session, the AACTE Innovation & Technology committee, of which Carpenter is a member, presented a change process, formative assessment tool, and an example addressing changing school culture and practices to ensure that teacher candidates are ready to grow as TPACK proficient teachers. The session participants were then guided through an exercise to consider how the diagnostic tool might inform work at their institutions.

Carpenter also presented a roundtable session titled, “Edcamps: Innovation in Meeting the Demands of Professional Practice.” This session described Carpenter’s completed and on-going research projects related to Edcamps, and discussed different ways in which teacher education programs might become involved with Edcamps.