Journal article highlights findings of Elon chemistry professor's research

Assistant Professor Jen Dabrowski has published a research article on selective conversion of carbohydrates to fine chemicals.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Jen Dabrowski has coauthored a research article entitled “Diastereoselective B(CF)-Catalyzed Reductive Carbocyclization of Unsaturated Carbohydrates” in a recent edition of the journal Organic Letters.

In the article, Dabrowski et al. detailed the discovery of mild conditions for transforming sugar derivatives to complex carbon-based scaffolds, which may be applied to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The reactions are promoted by a main group catalyst (boron-derived) and main group reagents (silicon-based). The work is part of a continued effort to develop catalysts for the conversion of biorenewable materials to replace petroleum-derived sources for accessing consumer products.