New Student Orientation Head Staff represents Elon at regional conference

Elon’s New Student Orientation Head Staff team attended the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (SROW) March 10-12 at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA

Each year, 2,000 students from colleges and universities from nine states in the Southeast flock to SROW, the Region VI conference for the National Orientation Directors’ Association (NODA), a professional organization dedicated to education, leadership and professional development in the field of orientation, transition and retention.

Head Staff represents Elon at SROW
Elon sent 17 members of its New Student Orientation leadership team, called Head Staff, to SROW to present educational sessions, learn from other schools’ orientation programs and showcase Elon Phoenix spirit in a song, skit and dance competition. SROW is a unique experience for students as the conference blends substantive leadership development and learning with explosive energy and school spirit.

Elon represented well in both knowledge-sharing and school spirit at this year’s “SROWback Throwback” 90s-themed conference. Students were selected to present two educational sessions, titled “Remix to Ignition: Bringing ‘Em All Together for Organizational Success” (co-presenters Karly Shaubach, Kyle McKinley, Matt Chipman and Marin Williams), and “I’ll be There for You: A Case Study in Collaboration” (co-presenters Lindsay Wheeler, Jack Fryer, Jasmine Hodges and Izzy Fagen). Both educational sessions drew more than 40 attendees, and featured unique facets of Elon’s orientation program and insights into the supporting research and theory in the field.

Head Staff in 90s costumes after their award-winning song performance
On Sunday morning, Elon was awarded second place in the song competition. Head Staff showcased their creativity and Elon pride by changing the lyrics of popular 90s TV show theme songs to tell the story of a new student moving in to college and figuring out how to bELONg on campus.  

Head Staff is excited to bring back what they learned from other institutions and incorporate new strategies and ideas into orientation leader training and Opening Weekend programming.

SROW attendees included sophomores Charlie Cheema, Matt Chipman, Jack Fryer, Mikey Gibeley, Jasmine Hodges, Kyle McKinley, Kristen O’Neill, Karly Shaubach, Kathleen Shepherd, Bree Statesman, and Marin Williams; and juniors Izzy Fagen, Blair Foreman, Lexi Hirvo, Jordan Snetman, Gabby Vance, and Lindsay Wheeler.