Artemis Preeshl accepted as associate member of the Shakespeare Theatre Association

The Shakespeare Theatre Association​ accepted Assistant Professor Artemis Preeshl as an associate member and invited her to attend its annual conference hosted by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival in January 2018.

The Shakespeare Theatre Association invited Artemis Preeshl, assistant professor of performing arts, to join its cadre of associate members in recognition of her individual service to this organization of Shakespearean producers. Shakespeare Theatre Association of 120 member organizations worldwide addresses artistic, educational, and managerial issues.

Curt L. Tofteland, founder of Shakespeare Behind Bars, sponsored Preeshl for associate membership and Robert Pensalfini, senior lecturer at the University of Queensland and artistic director of the Queensland Shakespeare Ensemble, and Grant Mudge, producing artistic director, Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival, seconded her inclusion in the Shakespeare Theatre Association. Preeshl taught a commedia dell’arte workshop at Queensland Shakespeare Ensemble in Brisbane. By inviting Preeshl to join the Shakespeare Theatre Association as an associate member, the Shakespeare Theatre Association recognizes her substantive support the activities of STA and deems it appropriate for her to have a place within the membership. Although associate membership does not automatically guarantee a place at the conference, the Shakespeare Theatre Association invited Preeshl to attend its 2018 Shakespeare Theatre Association conference.

Preeshl’s inclusion is based on her performance of half of Shakespeare's canon and direction half of Shakespeare's canon. Routledge’s publication of her book, Shakespeare and Commedia dell'arte: Play by Play in 2017 and her presentation of papers and staged readings on Shakespeare at the World Shakespeare Association, the Asian Shakespeare Association, and the Shakespeare Association of America in 2016 and 2017 significantly contributed to her qualifications for membership.

In fall 2017, Preeshl taught scene study and dialects as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Performgin Arts. In Spring 2018, Preeshl will teach movement and long-form improvisation and coach verse for Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.