Kristen Mazur publishes in the American Mathematical Monthly

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Kristen Mazur publishes article in the American Mathematical Monthly on her research in the mathematics of voting theory.

Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Kristen Mazur along with coauthors Mutiara Sondjaja from New York University, Matthew Wright from St. Olaf College and Carolyn Yarnall from California State University, Dominguez Hills published a peer-reviewed article entitled “Approval Voting in Product Societies,” in the American Mathematical Monthly.

In this article, Mazur and her coauthors applied original mathematics to develop lower bounds on the number of voters that agree in scenarios in which voters simultaneously apply approval voting to multiple platforms.

The American Mathematical Monthly is the premier journal of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA). All MAA members have free access to this journal, and as such it is one of the most widely read mathematics journals. The goal of the journal is to inform, stimulate, challenge and entertain a broad mathematical audience with varying interests and abilities. Moreover, articles in The Monthly are meant to be more than just archived. They are meant to be read, enjoyed, and discussed.

Kristen Mazur, Mutiara Sondjaja, Matthew Wright & Carolyn Yarnall (2017) Approval Voting in Product Societies, The American Mathematical Monthly, 125:1, 29-43, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.2018.1390370