Our seder, held at the Elon Community Church, will have a theme of gratitude for the freedom we have and for the bounty that we enjoy. Together, we will mark our annual community journey from slavery to freedom in new and creative ways, and with voices lifted in song.
Our seder, held at the Elon Community Church, will have a theme of gratitude for the freedom we have and for the bounty that we enjoy. Together, we will mark our annual community journey from slavery to freedom in new and creative ways, and with voices lifted in song.
Please purchase tickets in advance, both for a cost savings, and to ensure your seat. Tickets will be available on the Hillel web site: www.elon.edu/hillel soon!
To mark this holiday celebrating freedom, renewal, and community, 10% of our proceeds over the cost of the seder will be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank, which works to combat food insecurity in our area. As we celebrate freedom and bounty together in community, we will keep the needs of others in our hearts and our minds.
Elon Hillel’s Passover seder is open to the entire community. Bring your friends, Jewish and not, and join us on April 19 at 5:30 pm at the Elon Community Church for our celebratory communal journey from slavery to freedom.