The article offers guidance for students looking to tap into scholarships and grants to help support global experiences.
A recent U.S. News & World Report article focused on how students can tap into scholarships and grants to help fund their plans to study abroad features insights from Nick Gozik, dean of global education at Elon University.

Gozik told U.S. News that a number of academic metrics could come into play as students explore funding for global experiences, but there are opportunities based on different factors. “There’s also identity-based opportunities available for African American students, for LGBTQIA students, for students of certain ethnicities,” Gozik said. “There are opportunities for students from certain states, students in certain majors or areas of interest. Those ones really depend largely on the organization or the donor and what they’ve specified.”
Gozik encourages students to apply for scholarships and grants early.
“Planning and applying early allows you to figure out when you can go abroad, what courses you need to take before you go so that you can map out the courses in upcoming years,” Gozik said, “and you can start saving financially in advance and have that conversation with a parent or guardian.”
Read the entire article to find out more details about funding opportunities for study abroad.
Gozik, who is also an assistant professor at Elon, has conducted research on identity, race, and schooling in France, using history-geography education on the French island of Martinique as a case study. He has contributed to research at the Social Science Research Council on internationalization, interdisciplinarity, and boundary-crossing in U.S. higher education, through the lens of area studies centers. More recently, his academic and professional work has focused on outcomes assessment, faculty development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in global programming.