Leupold Named to editorial advisory board

Chris Leupold, Isabella Cannon Professor of Leadership, will be working with the Journal of Leadership Education.

Chris Leupold, Isabella Cannon Professor of Leadership, was recently invited to join the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Leadership Education. Widely known referred to as JOLE, the journal is published in conjunction with the Association of Leadership Educators.  

As stated on its webpage: (http://www.journalofleadershiped.org), the journal’s aim and scope are as follows:

“JOLE engages practitioners, professionals, and scholars who focus in the leadership education and development industry spanning education, training and development, and corporate education. JOLE fosters dialogue across industries focused on the learning process and the practice of leadership education. Theory and research frame the learning and practice of leadership and the JOLE provides a platform for research and practice-oriented scholarship. JOLE provides opportunities for evolving discourse, and engagement about the discipline of leadership education. The journal serves as a forum to share teaching and learning advancements, and research innovation and application.”

Leupold will formally assume the new role at the Association of Leadership Educator’s Annual Conference in Chicago, July 2018. He is also an associate professor in Elon’s department of psychology and serves as the Faculty Fellow for Leadership and Executive Coach in Residence at Elon Law. In addition, he serves as coordinator for Elon’s leadership studies minor.

If you have any questions about JOLE or academic leadership programming at Elon, you may contact him at cleupold@elon.edu.