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Boston Welcome to the City event Sept. 4
August 13, 2008
Charlotte – IGNITE NITE Sept. 24
August 13, 2008
Charlotte “Welcome to the City” event – Aug. 14
August 12, 2008
IGNITE young alumni giving program off to successful start
August 8, 2008
Since last week's launch of the IGNITE annual giving program, 32 young alumni have joined this donor recognition group by making gifts to support the hallmarks of an Elon education.
Elon alum accepted into premier research program
August 8, 2008
Geoffrey Lynn, a chemistry major who graduated in 2007, has been accepted into
the National Institutes of Health Oxford/Cambridge Scholars Program, a
doctoral training program for outstanding science students committed to
biomedical research.
Myrtle Beach Pelicans alumni event Sept. 4
August 5, 2008
Triangle – IGNITE NITE Sept. 30
August 5, 2008
Charleston – IGNITE NITE Sept. 19
August 5, 2008
Atlanta – IGNITE NITE Sept. 18
August 5, 2008