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Second vigil scheduled for missing alumnus
December 9, 2007
A candlelight service and moment of silence will take place on campus Dec. 9 as part of a national push to keep missing Elon alumnus Kyle Fleischmann in the forefront of public consciousness. The services take place one month to the day after Fleischmann vanished in Charlotte, N.C.
Candlelight vigil set for missing alumnus on Nov. 15
November 15, 2007
The Elon community is invited to a vigil Thursday night for students, faculty and alumni to pray for the safe return of Kyle Fleischmann, a 2006 university graduate and former Kappa Alpha fraternity officer who vanished in Charlotte nearly a week ago.
Washington, D.C. Alumni Chapter Happy Hour Nov. 15
November 13, 2007
Alumni band “Left on Cates” plays live at the Raven Nov. 16
November 7, 2007
An Evening for Elon in Charleston, SC – Nov. 8
November 5, 2007
Former Elon student honored for work with physical accessibility project
November 1, 2007
A member of the Class of 2007 at Elon who died earlier this year was
honored in September with a Special Award for Lifetime Achievement by
The Knowledge Trust, a program headed by the School of Information and
Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Atlanta Alumni After Hours Gathering – Nov. 5
October 30, 2007
Graduates gather at on-campus Alumni Summit
October 26, 2007
Dozens of alumni from the 1940s to the Class of 2007 gathered this week for an Alumni Summit. During the two-day
event, graduates brainstormed on ways Elon can enhance alumni programming, increase alumni involvement
with the university and identify the next generation of alumni leaders. Details...
Five alumni honored for life service and achievements
October 26, 2007
These outstanding alumni were honored by the Elon Alumni Association on Oct. 26 during Homecoming celebrations.
Homecoming Weekend packed with alumni events
October 26, 2007
From tailgating before the big game to sipping coffee with the
school president, Homecoming 2007 offers something for everyone at Elon
University. Festivities kick off Friday morning with registration at
the Moseley Center. Here is a sample of what you’ll find as you
reconnect with old classmates while making new friends.