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Elon to host 'Lessons Within Ferguson, Missouri' – Aug. 27

August 25, 2014

A Wednesday program in McKinnon Hall will offer the campus community reflections from Elon University faculty and a current student from Ferguson, Missouri, about the recent police shooting death there of a young unarmed black man.

Elon University remembers Maya Angelou

May 28, 2014

The acclaimed poet and civil rights icon died May 28, 2014, a year and a half after visiting campus for Fall Convocation where she encouraged students to "have an attitude of gratitude" and called Elon a "rainbow in the cloud."


Students and professors showcase scholarship at SURF

April 29, 2014

The 21st annual Spring Undergraduate Research Forum included poster sessions and classroom presentations from more than 200 Elon University students who teamed with faculty mentors to explore questions related to their fields of study.

CELEBRATE! Profile: Raven Bennett '14

April 28, 2014

A strategic communications major teamed with the director of Elon University's African & African-American Studies program to conduct undergraduate research into the portrayal of plus-sized black women in popular media.