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'Father of Environmental Justice' to kick off Earth Week at Elon
April 14, 2017
Robert Bullard, who is known as the "father of environmental justice," will speak at Elon on Tuesday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. in McKinnon Hall.
Paxus Calta to lead 'Imaginative Activism' workshop on Jan. 16
January 12, 2017
Paxus Calta, former lead organizer for Friends of the Earth International, presents an interactive workshop on "Imaginative Activism: Creativity and Social Movements in an Era of Polarization." The event is at 5:30pm in Lindner Hall, Room 102
Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue – April 18
December 16, 2016
Robert Bullard, described as the father of environmental justice, delivers an Earth Day lecture titled "Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue: Why Equity Matters" in McKinnon Hall, Moseley Center at 7:30 p.m.
'Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God' – April 21
April 18, 2016
Theologian Kelly Brown Douglas will address the Elon community on the topic of "Stand Your Ground," the subject of her most recent book.
Elon names Leadership Prize recipients
April 7, 2016
The award provides students with $10,000 to research and understand problems of interest to them and then use their leadership abilities to test potential solutions.
In My Words: The threat of Obama
March 24, 2016
Professor Rebecca Todd Peters' recent blog entry for - a column also published by regional newspapers - deconstructs the historical context for animosity toward President Barack Obama that, in some instances, is directly tied to racism.
Geoffrey Claussen publishes on Jewish perspectives on wealth and poverty
January 13, 2016
Claussen's paper titled “The Legacy of the Kelm School of Musar on Questions of Work, Wealth and Poverty,” appears in Wealth and Poverty in Jewish Tradition, ed. Leonard J. Greenspoon (Purdue University Press)
Patheos website now hosts blog by Toddie Peters
August 27, 2015
The professor of religious studies is a frequent author of columns on social justice considered from the perspective of a Christian ethicist.
Amy Johnson to lead diversity workshop at Marymount College
May 28, 2015
The assistant professor of history will lead the workshop for interns participating in the Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty summer internship program.
Poverty and Social Justice minor graduates/students find success
May 11, 2015
The faculty mentors for the Poverty and Social Justice minor would like to celebrate the successes of our students and alumni of the program.