KCSL: ABSS virtual school online academic coaches

ABSS Virtual School is seeking volunteers to serve as online academic coaches throughout the summer, fall and spring semesters.

ABSS Virtual Academy is seeking energetic proactive college students to serve as online academic coaches for high school students enrolled in online classes. Online academic coaches will be helpful for students who have certain skills but lack the motivation, organization or strategies they need to apply those skills.

Online academic coaches will need to be available five hours a week and can volunteer remotely or in person. Individuals with a passion to see young adults thrive and be successful are preferred. We need volunteers that are proficient in the liberal arts areas (English/language arts, history, etc.), and STEM areas (mathematics, science, etc.). Volunteers are needed for summer, fall and spring semesters.

If you are interested in continuing to shape young minds into lifelong learners please contact us to help promote the ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge. Volunteers will then complete a background check and must continue to be on good academic standing in their college classes.

All Elon students must complete Title IX Training on Moodle before volunteering in the community. Your agency may also require a criminal background check. Please click here for more information: http://www.elon.edu/e-web/students/servicelearning/titleIX.xhtml