The Elon Academy aims to support scholars holistically because we believe academic success is dependent upon meeting basic needs first. Typically, our support is highly personalized and face-to-face, including both individual and group/cohort meetings. The onset and resulting far-reaching consequences of COVID-19 meant a reimagining of our methods for supporting scholars. What did not change was our commitment to ensuring scholars had timely and relevant information and resources, as well as opportunities to connect virtually with staff and each other.

The Alamance-Burlington School System converted to online learning in mid-March, which was a difficult transition for teachers and students. Following Elon University’s model of weekly informative emails to provide campus updates, the Elon Academy began sending weekly emails to scholars. Each email provides an overview of where and how staff are continuing program operations, pertinent campus information, community resources, COVID-specific facts and recommendations for self-care. Community resources are categorized for easy reference under headings such as food, COVID-19, academic, internet and housing.

Helping to keep staff up to date with the local response to COVID-19 is our connection and involvement with several community groups, such as Alamance County’s United Way Community Council; Alamance-Burlington School System’s Superintendent’s Equity, Opportunity and Diversity Committee; and the Alamance County Chamber of Commerce Education Council.

Combining information and resources with personalized support, is the crux of what the Elon Academy provides for our scholars – even virtually. Staff work tirelessly to build relationships and rapport with our scholars and maintaining that during this challenging time was a priority. Staff offered opportunities for virtual connection through individual meetings, cohort-specific “virtual gatherings” and all-scholar conversations on coping with stress. Additionally, our College Access Team Mentors, a team of trained Elon University students who provide individualized support to scholars, were able to continue meeting virtually with students, providing an additional layer of check-in and support during the end of their highly unusual school year.

Our “normal” is new and so are some of our service delivery methods, but our commitment to high-level support and resources for our scholars remains unchanged. Until we can safely return to our in-person programming, the Elon Academy remains responsive and flexible in uncertain times.