Student Mentors

The Beyond 12 Student Mentors will assist students at Broadview Middle School and Graham Middle School with hands-on activities and share their college experiences. The mentoring sessions are designed to be flexible and accommodating. The Beyond 12 Student Mentors will meet with the director (Vanessa Diggs) twice a month for check-ins and guidance. These sessions will provide an opportunity to discuss progress, share experiences, and ensure that the mentoring sessions are effective and aligned with the goals of the program.

The Beyond 12 Student Mentors will be compensated at a rate of $18 per hour.  During the school year, the mentors will work four hours per month (two hours twice a month), and during the summer, they will work a total of 16 hours.

Ready to apply? Fill out the application form on the Elon Job Network (EJN) under the posting “Beyond 12 Mentor”. Positions are open until filled.