As Periclean Scholars, we pledge to…

Be committed to building equitable and meaningful partnerships, understanding that they take hard work and dedication.

Engage in an authentic, honest, and informed exploration of our own assumptions, values, and positionality.

Recognize ourselves as embedded cultural beings and cultivate ongoing, lifelong processes of reflection and self-discovery that promote cultural humility.

Reimagine our own institutions, policies, and actions in ways that promote inclusivity and social, political, economic, and environmental justice.

Learn about our partner communities’ history and traditions, to better engage in culturally-informed dialogue.

Listen to, effectively communicate with, and actively work alongside partnering communities, acknowledging they are the experts on their local assets and challenges, and often have the best solutions.

Collaborate with our partners on community-based initiatives that will facilitate our co-learning, understanding of global engagement, capacity building, and successful growth and development.

Responsibly study, document, and publicize the value of our authentic and mutually beneficial partnerships.