I.  An Unprecedented University Commitment to Diversity and Global Engagement

  1. In conjunction with appropriate departments throughout the university, fully develop and publicize the Elon Commitment scholarships.
  2. Develop and implement an international fellows program.
  3. Collaborate with HR to review minority recruitment and enhance strategies to recruit and retain diverse candidates.
  4. Review the plan for internationalization of the campus and update, if necessary, with departmental input.
  5. Develop and implement programs to support and enhance inclusive teaching, learning and residential living across campus.

II.  Supporting a World-Class Faculty and Staff

  1. Successfully implement Shared Governance recommendations for curriculum committee, redesign of schedule for faculty/school meetings and academic council changes.
  2. Present a plan to accelerate progress on faculty/staff salaries.
  3. Review teaching, research, and service expectations for faculty performance as teacher-scholars.
    1. Implement recommendations from the task force on service
    2. Work with Academic Council to create an ad hoc committee charged to explore and propose processes that would enhance the breadth and richness of information with the promotion and/or tenure process, while maintaining the benefits of the current independent, multi-channeled structure
    3. Revise departmental peer-reviewed scholarship statements
    4. Implement teacher-scholar “culture” recommendations outlined in the Scholarship Task Force report
    5. Create areas of measurement/criteria and assess of the impact of enhanced teacher-scholar efforts (e.g., Scholarship Task Force).
  4. Working with Academic Council’s task force on teaching evaluation, identify and implement teaching evaluation methods and processes that reflect the engaged-learning values and primacy of teaching at Elon.
  5. Enhance a strong faculty/staff professional and leadership development program, conducting a search for a leadership development director and implementing clearly defined development programs for department chairs, staff and staff supervisors.
  6. Create a university-wide definition of engaged learning.
    1. Work with departments/schools to apply definition to curricular planning
    2. Apply definition in support of rigorous engaged teaching and learning across units and departments
    3. Work to standardize the use of terms across all units.
  7. Develop a plan for equipment replacement for teaching and research equipment.

III. Attain the Highest Levels of Achievement across Our Academic Programs

  1. Continue implementation of recommendations from the Presidential Task Force on Scholarship.
    1. Advance efforts to increase the percentage of full-time faculty overall and particularly in first year courses: evaluate processes and policies related to reassigned-time practices
    2. Enhance the capabilities and capacities of Sponsored Programs; conduct a search for an assistant director, develop proposals to enhance accounting and compliance functions, and increase the amount of funds raised from grants by 15 percent to $475,000.
  2. Complete the review of General Studies and plan for implementation.
  3. Begin preparation for SACS reaccreditation.
    1. Review university mission statement
    2. Organize and implement assessment plan for all units (timetable attached)
    3. Prepare compliance questions for completion
    4. Select coordinator(s) for QEP oversight.
  4. Develop Five-Year plans (2012-2016) connecting goals to themes in the university’s long range plan.
  5. Continue development of the School of Law.
    1. Achieve full approval from the ABA
    2. Achieve a bar passage rate of at least 80 percent
    3. Enroll a talented and diverse class of 125 students with a median LSAT of 156 and a median GPA of 3.25 for fall 2011
    4. Launch a comprehensive review of the law school curriculum in preparation for membership in the Association of American Law Schools (AALS)
    5. Host a successful Billings, Exum, & Frye National Moot Court Competition.
  6. Continue development of the School of Education partnership with the Alamance-Burlington School System.
    1. Establish a coordinated network of secondary school programs for teacher preparation, professional development and research
    2. Provide increased professional development and research in and for elementary and middle-grade partner schools
    3. Expand the Elon Academy to be a national model of successful college entry and first-year college success and retention
    4. Submit “Early Childhood Education” program for approval by NCDPI & Elon Curriculum Committees; plan for staffing and clinical sites
    5. Complete the State-mandated Re-visioning of Master of Education program and obtain: (1) NCDPI, (2) Graduate Council, and (3) Curriculum Committee approval
    6. Create a national advisory board for the School of Education.
  7. Implement strategies for achieving a top-ranked LSB undergraduate program.
    1. Continue development of a strong career services program for the LSB including exploring the addition of a second career services position for the school
    2. Develop a plan for LSB communications modeled after the one at Elon Law.
  8. Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Love School of Business.
  9. Continue development of the School of Communications, including:
    1. Conduct a comprehensive self-study in preparation for an ACEJMC re-accreditation visit in Fall 2011
    2. Develop a plan to launch a national journal of undergraduate research in communications
    3. Submit a formal proposal for a Ph.D. in Communications
    4. Prepare for the conversion of television studios, control room and engineering areas to high-definition in summer 2011.
  10. Enhance national and international fellowships program by providing support to assist students applying for national and international fellowships.
    1. Convert coordinator of national and international fellowships to director with expanded duties
    2. Develop plans to hire an associate director with experience in fellowship advising or relevant areas through the National Association of Fellowship Advisors.
  11. Identify criteria and benchmarks that establish clear academic affairs and student life goals to guide planning and assess progress toward the Elon Commitment goal of “attaining the highest level of academic achievement.”
  12. Strengthen Elon’s messages about academic programs, stories of student success and models of engaged learning.
  13. Formalize plans to meet national standards of excellence and achieve national recognition for Elon’s first-year writing and writing across the curriculum programs.
  14. Increase the number of learning communities with first-year course linkages. Assess outcomes and recommend steps for future action.
  15. Finalize plans for an online journal on undergraduate research to begin fall 2011.
  16. Develop a plan to launch a Center for Engaged Learning.
  17. Continue development of Belk Library, including:
    1. Market library resources and services through expanded presence on social networks, use of IM and texting, and web site enhancement
    2. Submit application for the “Excellence in Academic Libraries Award” given annually by the Association of College and Research Libraries.
  18. Re-envision student leadership programs and plan steps to deepen academic connections, including constituting a leadership advisory committee.
  19. Successfully host an outstanding fall convocation (Pervez Musharaff) and spring convocation (panel hosted by Brian Williams).

IV. Launching Strategic and Innovative Pathways in Undergraduate and Graduate Education

  1. Develop plans for gap-year programs to support students in transition from high school to college.
  2. Explore feasibility of new undergraduate/graduate programs, including:
    1. School of Education (and interdisciplinary)
      1. Wellness/Personal Health Promotion
      2. Major in Public Health Studies
      3. Fulltime master’s degrees (M.A.T., M.Ed., or M.A.) in mathematics education and science education.
    2. Arts & Sciences
      1. Language pedagogy
    3. Health Sciences
      1. Post-professional doctoral degree to prepare physical therapy faculty
      2. Complete final steps (funding and facility) of feasibility study for a new physician assistant graduate program and present proposals to review bodies, including the university board of trustees; if approved, begin implementation of new program.
      3. Complete final steps (funding and facility) of feasibility study for an expanded program in physical therapy and present proposals to review bodies, including the university board of trustees; if approved, begin implementation of expanded program.
    4. School of Business (and interdisciplinary)
      1. JD/MBA program
      2. Accelerated MBA program
      3. MBA for science professionals.
  3. Continue development of a premier career services department.
    1. Plan for new/expanded space.
    2. Secure more employer partners and increase alumni and parent contacts to the Elon Career Network.
    3. Pilot department-specific career-oriented professional development program in arts and sciences (mathematics, computing sciences, engineering) and work with staff in the Love School of Business to develop and implement school-specific services.
    4. Explore a post-study abroad career initiative with the dean of international studies.
  4. Define differences in BA and BS Curricula in conjunction with the Curriculum Committee.

V. Significantly Enhance Elon’s Campus with Premier New Academic and Resident Facilities and a Commitment to Protecting Our Environment

  1. Finalize and implement plans for Koury Center.
  2. Provide leadership, along with residential life, in the implementation and plan for the historic area and new North Area.
  3. Plan for new/expanded space for:
    1. Science facility needs, including reallocation of space in McMichael after departure of DPT
    2. School of Communications facility needs
    3. School of Education expansion
    4. Physical Therapy possible relocation
    5. Physician Assistant Program
    6. Belk Library and library storage.
  4. Develop plans to create a land preserve, the Elon Forest, to protect a large green space north of University Drive.