These guidelines apply to any contractor, business, firm, company, or individual (hereinafter “contractor”) doing work on Elon University property, as well as to the contractor’s employees, agents, consultants, and others on campus in connection with the contractor’s work or at the contractor’s express or implied invitation.

Any breach of these conditions may result in the removal of the person responsible from the University’s premises and prohibited actions may result in the termination of any contract or agreement with Elon University.

Check out the Doing Business with Elon page for key University contacts and bidding opportunities.




Courtesy and Respect

Elon University is a diverse academic institution and it is critical that all contractors and their employees conduct themselves in a manner that is lawful, courteous, businesslike, and respectful of all students, staff, faculty, guests, and visitors. The University seeks to provide an educational community and workplace free of prohibited discrimination and harassment. To that end, it has adopted the following nondiscrimination statement:

Elon University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran’s status (collectively, “Protected Categories”) in the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, or the operation of any of its programs.

Consistent with our nondiscrimination statement, the University does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of employees, students or other individuals associated with the University including, but not limited to, vendors, contractors, and guests on the basis of any of these Protected Categories.

Language and Behavior

Contractors and their employees cannot engage in behavior that is rude, threatening, or offensive. Use of profane or insulting language is prohibited. Harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment is prohibited. Abusive, derogatory, obscene or improper language, gestures, remarks, whistling, cat calls or other disrespectful behavior are also prohibited. Roughhousing, fighting, fisticuffs, physical threats, destruction of property, vandalism, littering, or physical abuse of anyone on campus are not permitted under any circumstance.

No Weapons, Alcohol, or Drugs

The use, possession, distribution, or sale of any weapon, alcohol, illegal drug, or controlled substance by any contractor or contractor’s employee is prohibited. The possession of any firearm either on person or in a vehicle, on University property, is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes those who hold a valid, concealed carry permit. Offenders will be reported to Campus Safety and Police and removed from campus.


Elon University is a smoke-free campus with respect to all of its facilities with the exception of outdoor facilities of the University. Smoking is not permitted within 30 feet of campus buildings or in Rhodes Stadium.


Contractors and their employees may not fraternize or socialize with University students. Contractors and their employees may not socialize with University employees during University working hours.


Contractors and their employees are required to wear appropriate work wear, hard hats, and safety footwear while on campus. Articles of clothing must be neat and tidy in appearance, and cannot display offensive or inappropriate language, symbols or graphics. The University reserves the right to decide if such clothing is inappropriate. This policy also applies to vehicles and equipment which a contractor brings to campus.


The contractor is required to report any matter involving a violation of these rules of conduct to Purchasing, the Facilities Management, or Planning, Design, and Construction Management. Any matter involving health or safety, including any altercations, should be reported to the Elon University Campus Safety & Police. Contractors are responsible for their employees, agents, consultants, and guests. If prohibited conduct does occur, the contractor will take all necessary steps to stop and prevent future occurrences. Any breach of these conditions may result in the removal of the person responsible from the University’s premises, and prohibited actions may result in the termination of any contract or agreement with Elon University.


Point of Contact

The contractor is responsible for designating an employee of the company as a point of contact to be on call and available by phone or in-person to respond on behalf of the contractor in the event of an emergency or in the normal course of business.



Accidents—Personal/Property Damage

The safety of any employee, agent, consultant, student, faculty, staff or guest of the University or the contractor is the primary obligation of the contractor. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that any construction, renovation, maintenance, or other work is managed in a safe and effective manner.

If an accident occurs that results in personal injury or property damage, the contractor shall immediately contact:

  1. Campus Safety and Police at (336) 278-5555, which will determine if 9-1-1 should be called; and then
  2. The appropriate contact office – Facilities Management (336) 278-5500 or Planning, Design, and Construction Management (336) 278-5492.


Reporting to Purchasing, Facilities Management, or Planning, Design, and Construction Management Prior to Work


Working Hours

  • Elon University reserves the right to determine actual work schedules to accommodate residential and academic schedules.
  • University working hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified. Construction work is allowed by the Town of Elon from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Special arrangements must be made for any work occurring outside of normal working hours. When student residences/dormitories are occupied, contractors must be accompanied by Elon staff, and cannot enter until after 10:00 a.m.


Building Access

Access to buildings and rooms is an important security matter. Improper use of keys, access cards, or other means of access to both common and private areas on campus can result in a risk of harm to the safety and security of students and staff. As a result, contractors and their employees must strictly safeguard keys and access cards and adhere to any requirements related to building access.

  • For buildings with card access, temporary cards will be issued by Campus Safety and Police Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Identification will be required. An advance written request via email is required from Purchasing; Facilities Management; Planning, Design, and Construction Management; or Information Technology. The contract or must provide necessary information in the Access Log Book located at Campus Safety and Police.
  • Vending and Laundry contractors must report to Campus Safety and Police to obtain access cards. Access is allowed from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the cards must be returned to Campus Safety and Police prior to leaving campus.
  • For buildings with key access, temporary keys will be issued by the Facilities Management office Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Identification will be required. An advance written request via email is required from Purchasing; Facilities Management; Planning, Design, and Construction Management; or Information Technology so that the key may be cut and available at the service desk. The contractor must provide necessary information in the Access Log Book located within the Facilities Management office.
  • Keys must be returned to Campus Safety and Police at the end of each workday and picked up each morning; unless long-term check out is approved by a Facilities Management or Planning, Design and Construction Manager. If work is starting earlier, or ending later, or on weekends or holidays, this transaction may be completed at Campus Safety and Police, which is staffed 24 hours per day. This must be arranged ahead of time with the project manager.
  • Keys issued to the contractor are the responsibility of the contractor. A minimum fee of $500 for the cost of replacing locking hardware due to key loss will be charged to the contractor. Contractors are advised that the cost of changing multiple locks accessible from a single lost key can be significant.
  • Keys or access cards should never be loaned to another individual as they are the responsibility of the person who has signed for them. A record of the chain of custody for each key or access card provided to the contractor must be maintained.
  • Exterior doors should not be propped open in work areas.
  • Student room doors in all residence halls should remain locked at all times when the University is not in session or students are in residence. Workers who need access will be issued a key to access the room. Each contractor who accesses a room to do work should ensure that the door is locked each time he/she leaves the room.
  • No existing building security or fire detection system shall be disturbed, altered, disarmed, rendered inoperable, or relocated without the express written consent of the University.


Site Security

Areas, materials, and tools should always be secured when leaving the area at any time during the day and at the end of the day. The contractor is responsible for loss of tools or materials.


Before Starting Work

  • Work should never commence without an Elon University purchase order or executed contract. Current certificates of insurance must meet University requirements and be on file in the Purchasing Office.
  • Contractors planning to dig on campus are responsible for coordinating with Facilities Management Plant, Information Technology, and the Town of Elon for utility location.
  • Before beginning work in a campus area, contractors should determine which services may be affected in that area. Advance notification to customers is imperative, as the University must be aware of any service disruptions and the lengths of these disruptions. Contact the Facilities Management or Planning, Design, and Construction Management for notification and coordination of service disruptions. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, noise, vibrations, dust, and interruptions of electric, water, sewer, data, or gas services. Contractors should not make any decisions regarding service disruptions without first discussing them with the assigned Project Manager. Decisions must be made with sufficient time to notify departments and allow adequate time to receive replies, questions, or concerns.
  • Contractors should never enter an area to work without notifying Facilities Management or Planning, Design, and Construction Management that contractor staff will be working in the area.


Travel on Campus

  • Driving of contractor vehicles (cars and trucks) on pathways and sidewalks is prohibited. Exceptions must be approved by Purchasing, Facilities Management, or Planning, Design, and Construction Management. If pathways or sidewalks must be used, speed cannot exceed 5 mph and pedestrians always have the right-of-way.
  • The Contractor must comply with Elon University’s No Idling Policy, which states that vehicles will be shut off whenever parked idling time is expected to exceed 20 seconds; diesel engines shall not park and idle longer than 3 minutes.
  • The standing exceptions to this policy include University-owned Cushman or golf carts used by Facilities Management, Printing, Mail Services, and Catering.


Staging, Dumpsters, and On-site Storage

  • Arrangements must be made with the Facilities Management or Planning, Design, and Construction Management to secure a proper area in which to stage equipment and materials for construction.
  • The assigned Project Manager must be consulted in regards to arrangements for locating roll-off dumpsters needed for construction. It is requested that the roll-off dumpsters be emptied before the amount of trash exceeds the top of the roll-off. Dumpsters should be removed immediately upon completion of the project.
  • The contractor will recycle and/or salvage at least 50% of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste (by weight). The Contractor shall develop and implement a construction waste plan that, at a minimum, identifies the materials to be diverted from disposal and whether the materials will be sorted on-site or co-mingled.


Care of University Property

  • It is expected that contractors will take every necessary precaution to protect the property of the University (e.g. cover carpeting, floors, workstations, computers, personal belongings, etc.) In situations where valuables or personal belongings (e.g. wallets, keys, electronic devices) have been left by building occupants within or adjacent to the work area, Facilities Management or Planning, Design, and Construction Management should be contacted to have items removed and secured before work is initiated or resumed.
  • Any temporary construction fencing shall be in accordance with state and local law and approved by the University prior to installation.
  • The contractor shall not use any University waste and recycling containers when disposing of unwanted materials. The contractor is responsible for securing and locking the work area at the end of each day and shall ensure that the work area is not left unattended unless it is secured.
  • The contractor is responsible for cleaning up the work area after completion of the work to the satisfaction of the University. Contractors will be held financially responsible for any damages to University furnishings, equipment, buildings, or other property.


Protection of Trees

Fencing will be used to protect trees in construction areas. No activity, traffic, or storage of materials under the “drip line” of trees will be allowed without approval of Facilities Management Landscaping. Specific tree protection guidelines are available for those projects which may encroach on trees.



The contractor shall keep the premises and surrounding area free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish. All Elon University and local, state and federal recycling guidelines must be followed.


Safety and Hazardous Materials

Elon University requires that all work be conducted in compliance with applicable Elon University, municipal, county, state, and federal safety regulations and code requirements. Contractors who have questions or concerns regarding these regulations or codes, may contact the Facilities Management or Planning, Design, and Construction Management.

  • Any hazardous or regulated materials must be maintained or disposed of properly. Proper disposal of hazardous or toxic materials is a matter of critical concern to the University and will be strictly enforced. Paint cans, paint-related materials, and other containers of chemicals, solvents, or other regulated or hazardous materials are the responsibility of the contractor and must be maintained or disposed of properly.
  • Contractors must maintain and make all Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) available and accessible at all times for any products/chemicals used on the Elon University campus.
  • Failure to comply will result in suspension or cancellation of the contractor’s permit and result in withdrawal of permission to enter or work in the facilities.
  • Any fines, costs or administrative charges imposed on the University as a result of any action by the contractor or contractor’s employees that violate state, federal, or local law are the responsibility of the contractor.


Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines

Elon University is committed to sustainability and to serving as a positive example through sustainable operations and education. Contractors should be familiar with Elon’s Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines and make every effort to provide information on the environmental attributes of their products.
