Winners of the 2006 Multicultural Gala

The Multicultural Student Council would like to congratulate the Office of Residence Life which was voted best room representing the Occaneechi Tribe.

An extremely close second was the International Pavilion and School of Communications.

Congratulations to the raffle prize winners:

Anita Alston was the winner of the Tokyo Express Gift Certificate, Andrew Iszard was the winner of the Azteca Gift Certificate, Ivy Crank was the winner of the Crazy Fire Mongolian Grill, Eleanor Johnston was the winner for Seasons Buffet, and Jessica Hoyle for Sals. Brett Schaffer and James Cobler were the winners for the Multicultural Student Council T-shirts.

Raffle winners may come by the Office of Multicultural Affairs (MOS 221-B) to pick up their prizes!