Fall Paid Journalism Internship in DC

College journalism students are invited to apply for the fall 2007 Scripps Howard Foundation Semester in Washington Program.

Applications must be postmarked by March 1.
The program starts Sept. 10 and ends Dec. 14.
The stipend is $2,000 for the 14-week program, and we provide free housing in furnished apartments in Northwest Washington near the National Zoo.

Six interns, including one international student, work as reporters for the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire in our downtown Washington bureau. Their stories are published on our Web-based wire. Some of their stories go out on the Scripps Howard News Service to its 400 client newspapers. Students may write for hometown or campus newspapers and get internship or independent study credit while they are here. We tour Washington journalism and government institutions, bring in guest speakers and meet weekly to discuss topical issues in journalism.

The program is open to college juniors and seniors who are studying print or online journalism. It is not open to graduates or graduate students.

Contact Jody Beck at beckj@shns.com if interested, or see Brittain Cheek in McEwen 112.