Book Asked to Advise Panasonic’s Living in HD Project

Connie Book, associate professor and associate dean of the
School of Communications, was part of a press conference in
New York Aug. 1 that discussed Panasonic’s Living in HD
Project. The initiative, which lasts until March 2008, will
provide 30 families with full access to Panasonic’s A/V
and IT product suites. The promotional campaign aims to study
how high-definition technology affects American family

Results from a Harris Interactive survey, in part, spurred
the start of the HD exploration. The survey revealed that
just 52 percent of parents feel they spend enough quality
time with their children. Of those polled, 63 percent said
they would be willing to spend more money on technology if it
meant a substantive increase in family time.

“As we approach the national transition to digital
broadcasting, it is important that individuals and companies
understand how to use High Definition technology to its full
potential because it will affect social and professional
interactions,” Book said. “Panasonic’s Living
in HD program can be a valuable tool for consumers, as well
high tech companies and social scientists, as HD technologies
become more prevalent in everyday life.”

Families that wish to participate in the HD project will be
selected based on their ideas for documentaries. Submissions
will be sent via the Living in HD Web site.
Book, along with Panasonic executives, educators and
Hollywood personalities, will help decide which 30 families
will receive Panasonic’s $20,000 product suites.
Included on the selection committee are Sudhir Venkatesh,
director of Columbia University’s Center for Urban
Research and Policy, writer/director Kevin Smith, known for
such movies as “Clerks,” “Chasing Amy”
and “Dogma,” and Brett Ratner, a producer/director
recognized mostly for his soon-to-be “Rush Hour”

“Panasonic created the Living in HD program to more
deeply understand how people’s lives will change was
they become aware of the full potential of HDTV,” said
Paul Liao, Panasonic chief technology officer. “Very
few households are shooting video in HD today, but we expect
that number will increase with consumer HD