Three faculty members in the School of Communications were recognized for their outstanding work this academic year during the spring Advisory Board luncheon Friday afternoon.
Dean Paul Parsonsand Advisory Board Chair Don Bolden presented associate professors VicCostello, Anthony Hatcher and Michael Frontani with the faculty awards.
Costello won the Leadership Award,which recognizes a faculty member who richly contributes to the ongoing welfareand betterment of the school, the university and the professions. The selectioncommittee looks for clear, positive outcomes of leadership on the campus andnational levels, as well as an ability to bring new ideas to reality thatreflect well on Elon and the School of Communications.
“Vic makes a remarkable impact on thisschool and broadcast education,” Parsons said during the lunch. “Much of oursuccess in school technology is due to Vic’s diligence and foresight.”
Hatcher was given the TeachingAward, which recognizes a faculty member who is strong in the classroom,current in the discipline and committed to student learning at a high level.The selection committee looks for a teacher who embraces fresh ways to engagestudents in active learning, who is known as a good academic adviser and whodisplays a willingness to teach when and where needed.
“Anthony adds value to the schoolby the ability to teach a wide range of courses,” Parsons said. More than once,we’ve gone to Anthony at the last minute with a request that he jump into thisor that course. Anthony brings that valuable flexibility to our school.”
Frontani won the ScholarshipAward, which recognizes a faculty member whose scholarly work has a significantintellectual impact. In making its decision, the selection committee looks notonly for publication and presentation of the highest quality, but work thatadvances the school’s reputation and the mentoring of students in undergraduateresearch.
“Scholarship is about intellectualdiscovery and dissemination,” Parsons said. “Mike has received a scholarlygrant to work on his next book on the Italian-American experience in thiscountry. Mike also exhibited the Elon teacher-scholar model by serving as theProject Pericles mentor of the 2008 class.”
Parsons also announced theformation of a brand new award that he called the Dean’s Award for ExemplaryService. It will be given periodically, rather than annually, Parsons said, andthe first recipient was Linda Lashendock, assistant director of televisionservices and adviser to ESTV.
The award is given to someone whohas had a direct impact on students in the School of Communications, and it’sin Lashendock’s role as ESTV adviser that she was recognized.
“Our glass cases in thelobby are filled with awards that represent quality productions through ElonStudent Television,” Parsons said. “You’d be shocked to learn how much Lindaworks with students after-hours and on weekends. She makes Elon an even-richereducational environment for our students.”